Ketron's new favorite toy is brooms. And what ever you do don't try to take it away from him. Daddy thinks Mommy's cleaning obsession might of rubbed off on him.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kaycee enjoying her spin around the block in the old car.
Going for an evening spin around the block.
Daddy's new pride and joy. It seems to be Ketrons also. We could put him in the car and he would play for hours. He is already a gear head.
Ketron's foot after a soak in the tub.
Trying on Meme's new shoes.
Taking a strole around the yard. Actually he is trying to keep up with Daddy because Ketron wants the leaf blower.
Got the yard all mowed.
This looks like a good place to take a load off.
My first bubble bath.
Helping Daddy eat his flavor ice.
Friday, August 14, 2009
13 month car seat picture
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Second session of swim lessons started. Meme and Poppe came to see Bub swim last night.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Taking morning nap in the car on our way to Marshfield to visit Mike, Mandy, and Bailey. Getting up close with a horse for the first time. Helping Mommy mow the yard.