Sunday, November 23, 2008

Aunt Angela- Jon's sister

Cousin Shelby- Jon's sisters daughter.

Cousin Liam- 2 months younger than Ketron. My brother Brent and his wife Caroline's first baby. My Mom and Dad got bombarded with there first grandkids all at once, but they don't seem to mind. I don't think those boys are ever going to want for nothing if my Mom has her way.

Great Granddad. The only great Great grandparent he has.
Grandad just turned 90. He got to feed Ketron a bottle before his 4 month Dr. Appointment. Jon took him over before the appointment so they could spend a little time together. Granddad thinks hes pretty sweet. Granddad lights up when he sees him.

Ketron and Liam. Hopefully in the next couple of months Liam starts packing on the ponds. If not he better be able to run fast because Ketron is a haus compared to Liam right now. Grandpa loves to hold his boys.

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