Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Bubba! 1-5-09
I cant believe how fast it has gone by. This time last year it seemed like it was dragging. I was sick at my stomach all day and struggling to keep my eyes open. I couldn't wait for the ultrasound to get here so I could find out what I was having. Now I am trying very hard to live in the moment so I can make it last as long as possible and it is flying by. Jon and I love being parents. We are very content with Ketron occupying all of our time. Hopefully Jon will get a job closer to home so he wont have to miss out on 4 days out of the week. Currently he gets up at 2:15 in the morning on Mondays and drives to St.Louis for work and doesn't get home until 9pm on Thursday. We've got our fingers crossed that he gets a Springfield signal shop job that he bid on this week. That means home every night. That would be such a relief. Currently during the work week Ketron and I get home a little before 5pm. I feed him. Try to get Kaycee fed and give her a little bit of loving. Then I repack bags get everything rewashed. Try to get myself a bite to eat. Interact and play with Ketron. Give him a bath at 7 and then feed him and put him to bed at 7:30-8. Mostly I just feel guilty for leaving him to entertain himself while I'm trying to do everything else. There is a reason it takes two people to make a baby because it makes it much easier to raise one. We will know by the first of next week whether or not Jon got the job.. Fortunately Jon has Fridays off, him and Ketron spend the day together catching up.
His little personality is really starting to come out. He has attitude. He doesn't like being confined to his car seat and will spend the whole ride grunting and straining trying to break loose.
He loves eating his rice cereal. He gobbles it up. We started carrots this week and even though we get funny faces he eats two spoon fulls. I am still breastfeeding and so far haven't had a desire to quit. I would like to go 9 months. We also introduced a sippy cup with water in it. We are trying to make him hold onto it correctly. We have to tip it up for him because he doesn't yet get that he has to tip the cup up and in order to do that he must move his arms. I'm sure in another month he will have it down pat. Currently his favorite thing is his exersaucer. Since he has learned to jump and bounce in it he know wants to jump and bounce while I'm trying to burp him. He also really likes blowing spit bubbles. We go through 5 bibs a day, probably double that if I was obsessed with changing them.

Growth Record
Birth 5lb 7oz 17 1/2 inches
3 Days 4lb 14oz
2 Weeks 5lb 7oz 19 inches
2 Months 10lb 13oz 22 1/4 inches
4 Months 14lb 8oz 25 inches
6 Months 16lb 5oz 26 inches
He wears size 3 diapers and 3/6 month, some 6 month clothes. Size 1 shoes.

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